Dermatologists Hair Care and Tips for Summer

Summer is around the corner, and often this means more sun exposure to our skin and hair and more time in the water. It may also mean fewer or more hair washings in a week, but having some baseline tips on haircare can help make summer more enjoyable while maintaining your hair’s health. Since dermatologists…

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Oh, Honey! Tell Me About Healthy Skin!

The sweet gift of honey was used in ancient times to treat wounds. Its qualities ward off germs and reduce inflammation, so some people continue to use it to achieve healthy skin. However, today, most people think of this sweet, delicious treat best suited for a cup of tea or atop an acai bowl. The…

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Skincare Trends to Look For in 2023

Well, as we are truly into 2023, it is that time of year when people make New Year’s Resolutions that may or may not be kept, and the hunt is on for the best skin care products coming on the market. Everybody wants to be on the front end of discovering a new, awesome skincare…

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Mosquito Bites and Skincare: Is There a Connection?

If you have been a magnet for mosquito bites, it is likely something you have been dealing with since you were small. Mosquito bites can be unsightly, especially when your accidentally and momentarily uncovered body parts become a constellation of red bumps. Regardless of one bump or ten, nobody wants to win the contest of having the most. Skincare is being connected to mosquito attractiveness. Scientists found some interesting connections between the fatty acid levels of the skin’s barrier and the insatiable attraction to female mosquitos.

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Is Skin Health Related to Stress?

stress woman at work computer

Does stress affect skin health? All arrows point to yes. Stress and skincare are found to be closely related. Like stress and its effect on the body’s overall health, sometimes the word stress itself can create more stress! As we approach one of the most joyful but also stressful times of the year, keep an…

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