The Correlation Between a Good Night’s Sleep and Healthy Skin

sleep tired woman

Over time, the skin loses elasticity, and this causes wrinkles as our skin becomes less taut. Other things that can increase the skin’s declining health are poor diet and exposure to environmental toxins. Although this may sound hopeless, today’s best dermatologists are trained and experienced to help those seeking to elevate their skin’s health.

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Vaccines and Skincare

The skin’s reaction and severity to a vaccination may depend on skin type, skin color, diet, and several other factors. Skincare conditions and concerns can be diagnosed and treated by a licensed professional. Using a local dermatologist who is also familiar with environmental factors in the area that affect the skin is a significant advantage for those wanting to get back their skin’s health and beauty.

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Mosquito Bites and Skincare: Is There a Connection?

If you have been a magnet for mosquito bites, it is likely something you have been dealing with since you were small. Mosquito bites can be unsightly, especially when your accidentally and momentarily uncovered body parts become a constellation of red bumps. Regardless of one bump or ten, nobody wants to win the contest of having the most. Skincare is being connected to mosquito attractiveness. Scientists found some interesting connections between the fatty acid levels of the skin’s barrier and the insatiable attraction to female mosquitos.

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Three Things to Know About Mohs Surgery

When it comes to skin cancer, it is important to know that most cases are highly treatable, especially when caught in the early stages. Early detection is one of the reasons that skin cancer screenings are becoming part of annual routine checkups and are frequently covered by insurance. Mohs surgery is a common skin cancer…

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