Atlanta Dermatologist
Dermatology for Men: Top Four Skincare Concerns
Dermatologists see both men and women for their skincare concerns. You will find more blogs, websites, and products to address women’s skincare concerns and issues, but men also want to look and feel good about their skin! So, what do men think about, and what challenges do they face when it comes to their skin’s…
Read MoreUnderstanding the Different Chemical Exfoliants and Acids Used in Skincare
There are three types of chemical exfoliants, all used to remove dead skin cells, which improves the skin’s appearance. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is involved in skin tissue repair. However, when attempting to use these acids in your skincare routine, it is wise to understand the difference and know how to respond to a bad skin…
Read MoreTips to Manage Atopic Dermatitis and Not Make It Worse
Atopic dermatitis is not only common but also easy to agitate and make worse. There are things that people can do who suffer from atopic dermatitis, especially as the seasons quickly shift from hot and dreary to cold and dry. Working with a local and reputable dermatologist takes the guess work out of solutions, but here are some tips dermatologists want you to know.
Read MoreWhat Dermatologists Want You to Know About Hair Loss and Balding
It may be a surprise to some all that dermatology encompasses. The practice of dermatology includes hair, nails, and skin health. When people experience baldness or thinning, they rarely think about seeking the help of a professional licensed dermatologist, but they should! Skilled dermatologists are experts in helping diagnose hair loss and provide guidance and…
Read MoreTop Halloween Makeup Tips: How to Avoid Breakouts
Many Halloween makeup looks can make or break a costume’s overall believability and involve layer upon layer of makeup, which is typically heavy, thick, and not friendly to your skin. In an effort to avoid breakouts this Halloween, here are some of the top tips to minimize pore clogging and to keep your skin looking healthy this season.
Read MoreDermatologist Tips to Treat Dandruff
Dandruff is a common skin condition for all skin types and colors. Most individuals attempt to address the issue on their own using over-the-counter shampoos and scalp treatments. In some cases, people may choose to wear clothing that doesn’t show dandruff flakes on their clothes, but finding a solution to get rid of dandruff is…
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