Dermatologist Tips to Treat Dandruff

Dandruff is a common skin condition for all skin types and colors. Most individuals attempt to address the issue on their own using over-the-counter shampoos and scalp treatments. In some cases, people may choose to wear clothing that doesn’t show dandruff flakes on their clothes, but finding a solution to get rid of dandruff is what dermatologists want for their clients. Here are some common pieces of advice from reputable dermatologists on how to treat dandruff.
Itchy Scalp and Flaking Skin Make Dandruff Worth Addressing
Individuals with dark hair may feel a greater sense of urgency when it comes to addressing the problem of dandruff. Visible flakes can make the skin condition embarrassing, especially when it involves a chronically itchy scalp. Contrary to what most people think when they see someone itching their scalp or see visible signs of flaking, is that dandruff is not caused by poor hygiene. The causes of dandruff are complex, but there are effective ways to treat and control dandruff.
Using Dandruff Shampoo According to Directions
Since there is a spectrum of ingredients in dandruff shampoos, it is essential for people to read and follow the directions on the product of their choosing. Many are prone to grab the bottle, dump some in their hands, and use it as they do their daily shampoo. However, this is a waste of time and money since dandruff shampoos can be a bit more expensive than regular shampoos. Some products require leaving on the scalp, and others can cause adverse reactions by doing so. Never make assumptions when using medicated shampoo for dandruff – the best results come from following the package directions.
When trying a dandruff shampoo over the counter, the routine should be done once or twice a week for a couple of weeks minimum to see results. The frequency has to do with your skin type and skin color. Licensed dermatologists can make excellent recommendations for clients suffering from chronic dandruff. If any product used causes irritation or worsens the condition, stop immediately and visit a local and reputable dermatologist for personal skincare solutions.
Light-Colored Hair Clients Take Caution with Coal Tar Based Dandruff Shampoos and Treatments
Coal tar is a common ingredient in dandruff shampoos and can be quite effective. However, light-colored hair can be discolored by dandruff shampoos and treatments containing this ingredient. Whether hair is blonde, gray, or white, coal tar ingredients may change hair color, so choose a different product. If stuck on which products would be best, an experienced dermatologist can provide excellent and affordable resources and products.
Coal tar ingredient products make scalp skin more sensitive to sunlight, so when using these products, protect your scalp from the sun’s dangerous rays by wearing a hat outdoors and staying in the shade when possible. Although some companies are presenting scalp sunscreens, using these products is challenging and can make hair feel dirty and cause more itching. As with all your skin, it is essential to protect it from sun exposure to keep your skin healthy and hydrated!
In most cases, dandruff does not require a medical professional’s attention. However, in some cases, itching and flaking may lead to scalp sores, which may indicate a more serious skin condition that should be diagnosed by a professional. Licensed dermatologists can properly diagnose psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections, and seborrheic dermatitis. An experienced and caring dermatologist can ease client’s concerns about their scalp health by successfully diagnosing and treating the condition to give immediate relief and long-term care solutions. If you suffer from an itchy and flaking scalp, try a dandruff shampoo and follow the directions carefully for best results.
If you are unsuccessful after trying shampoo for a couple of weeks or feel your condition is worsening, visit a local dermatology office for a consultation and expert advice. There is no reason anyone should have to suffer from this uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing skin condition.
As many parts of our nation are beginning to cool down, it will soon be sweater weather and time to break out those warm, fuzzy pullovers and coats. Don’t let your dandruff keep you inside or limit your activity, and call for an appointment today. Treatment plans for dandruff are easily manageable, and professional skincare offices like Buckhead Dermatology customize treatment plans for every client to ensure the routine and cost are manageable.