The Post-Shower Skin Itch

Taking multiple showers daily is not uncommon if you live in the humidity part of the year. Showers may just be a rinse-off and not involve a regular hair routine or even soap, but many people living in warmer climates find themselves under the shower head halfway through the day to get a clean feeling and get some of the icky off their skin. If this describes you, or you have ever wondered why your skin tends to be itchy after a shower, here are some explanations that might shed some light on your curiosity.
Dry Skin Causes Itching
It is no mystery that dry skin is itchy. Even with products promising a world of moisture, showers and baths can leave skin dry because the water naturally strips away the needed oils on the skin. Removing the oils causes the skin to feel itchy. Most people who experience itchy skin after bathing use lotions or oils to regain enough moisture to relieve the uncomfortable itch. However, sensitive skin sometimes requires additional attention and care to alleviate the irritation causing the itch.
Those suffering from irritations after showering should pay attention to any other symptoms such as peeling, rashes, and scaling because if these are also occurring, there may be something more significant happening on the skin that needs the attention of a licensed dermatologist.
Weather is Not Your Skin’s Friend
Skincare In the Heat
If it is not apparent, the heat is not a friend of the skin. Any extreme weather or rapid temperature changes can do a number on anybody’s skin. Summer heat can cause sun and heat rashes (also called prickly heat), and some suffer from sun allergies. Sunburns can be severe and require special care to allow the skin to heal without long-lasting tissue damage. Any of these conditions will need someone with the training and expertise to help diagnose and provide an effective treatment plan to make summers more pleasant and your skin more beautiful.
Skincare in the Cold
The cold weather tends to dehydrate skin in the worst ways. If you reside where there are extreme heat and cold annually, you likely struggle with dry skin at some point in the year. Low humidity, colder temperatures, and the use of indoor heating are substantial culprits when it comes to dry skin during cold winter months.
Rashes in the winter can cause itching, rough patches of skin, and inflammation. These conditions may affect only one area of the body but can also appear on multiple parts of the body, making daily activities uncomfortable and clothing choices impossible. A humidifier in the home can add moisture to the air and help minimize dryness.
Minimizing Dryness Post-Shower
Some simple things can be done in an effort to minimize the drying effects of bathing. First, use a mild body wash or soap when bathing. No matter what a product promises, it is drying to the skin, so the gentler, the better in most cases. Second, apply moisturizer after bathing. If the many choices of moisturizer products overwhelm you, consult a skin care specialist or a local dermatology office for suggestions. Third, and nobody likes this one, use warm water and not steaming hot water when bathing. The more scalding water you use, the drier your skin will become. Fourth, although it may be hot outside, try to keep air conditioning units in the eco mode because the constant running of air will dry out your skin. Lastly, when starting your day, always, and this means always, apply sunscreen on your skin and wear loose clothing when possible. Collectively, these efforts can significantly impact your skin’s overall moisture levels and may resolve dry skin issues even in the hottest months.
Beware of Scented Anything
It is so tempting to use products in the shower, on the hair and skin, based on the scent. However, heavily perfumed products are one of the top causes of skin reactions, and people should be cautious when choosing products simply based on smell. Those with sensitive skin should steer clear of products with perfumes, and this includes laundry soaps and fabric softeners. Some brands offer a gentler option, which seems to be as effective in cleaning clothes.
In the end, our skin can always benefit from more moisture. Although not entirely avoidable, some things can be done to help ease us through the seasons instead of suffering through them. The bottom line is if you have a reaction to something, or there is a time of year when your skin is unbearable, take some simple steps to make that more manageable and less irritating. If any conditions persist and seem chronic, please visit a reputable and licensed dermatologist in your area. If you live in Atlanta, Buckhead Dermatology offers affordable skincare and works compassionately with every client to find the best solutions and treatments.