The Correlation Between a Good Night’s Sleep and Healthy Skin

Thinking back, most people can remember a time in their lives when their skin radiated, wrinkles and circles under the eyes did not exist, and there was no shortage of confidence regarding how their skin looked. However, time and aging happen to every single person, and time does not stop. Skin health naturally declines over time, leaving many searching for answers and solutions to the skin’s natural process as people age. A connection between sleep and healthy skin may surprise some people who have allowed a good night’s rest to slip away over time. Skin health will likely improve if people can figure out a way to enable their bodies to rest soundly through the night.
Sleep Regularity Declines Over Time, Affecting Skin’s Health
Parents understand how precious sleep is when children are young. Slumber allows children’s bodies to grow and strengthen while parents finally get a break. Even teens can sleep the day away, while adults notice slight reductions in the number of hours they sleep each night. Without needing any scientific evidence, most adults agree that they sleep less time and less soundly than when they were younger.
So, is there a correlation between sleep and skin health? The answer is that sleep affects the body’s overall health, and since the skin is the body’s largest organ, it is affected!
Declining Skin Health is Not Hopeless
Over time, the skin loses elasticity, and this causes wrinkles as our skin becomes less taut. Other things that can increase the skin’s declining health are poor diet and exposure to environmental toxins. Although this may sound hopeless, today’s best dermatologists are trained and experienced to help those seeking to elevate their skin’s health.
Some claim that antioxidants can help improve skin health, and bone broth is a new trend as a solution, but sleep should not be overlooked. Sleep has been shown to strengthen immune systems, ward off illness, and keep the mind healthy, so why shouldn’t sleep be a high priority for those looking to turn back time on their skin’s health?
Do Not Underestimate the Importance of Sleep to Skin’s Health
Sleep is connected to the body’s production of hormones, which directly affect eating habits and stress levels. Think about a toddler or a teen who doesn’t get enough sleep, and compact those nights over days or months, and you have some grumpy ones! How much more do adults with life stressors need to rest their bodies and minds? People who do not get enough sleep see a more rapid decline in skin health and more dramatic signs of aging. Wrinkles, dark spots, and uneven skin tone are common signs of aging that can become magnified without consistently good rest.
Skincare Signs of the Sleep Deprived
Sleep deprivation results in rising cortisol levels, which puts your body in a stressful state. The skin takes the brunt of the stress since it is the body’s largest organ. Any prolonged stress can lead to psoriasis, rashes, dry skin, and rashes. Visiting a reputable licensed dermatologist can address any skin reactions to stress. A professional skincare specialist can address any concerns and diagnose if the problems are sleep-related or need other attention and treatment.
Sleep is essential to a healthy body and optimized skin health. Consider things that may help encourage a good night’s sleep. Considerations include lighting in the room, how late food or drink is consumed before bedtime, how late in the day caffeine is consumed, and even the bed may be the culprit.
Prioritize Sleep for Body and Skin Health
Sleeping will allow your body to produce more collagen, which helps improve the look and health of the skin. So, if you are seeing signs of aging on your skin, consider the importance you place on sleeping and prioritize sleep as part of your body and the skin’s overall health.
A good night’s sleep also reduces appetite during the day because a sleep-deprived body is hungrier as the body seeks energy to get through the day. The same goes for caffeine. A well-rested body does not crave the amount of caffeine it does when it is trying to push through the day on minimal sleep. Weight gain is commonly connected to lack of sleep, and weight gain and unhealthy eating can lead to other skin conditions like acne. A body that is craving nutrients will often go for unhealthy things that can worsen acne and other skin conditions.
The good news is that trained and experienced dermatologists are experts at getting to the root of skin concerns and can help clients get back on track and achieve their skin’s natural beauty. Dr. Sherrie Straughn of Buckhead Dermatology in Atlanta helps countless patients address skincare concerns, works closely with them to get to the root of the issue, and provides exceptional and affordable treatment plans. Contact Buckhead Dermatology today for a consultation!