Tips for Acne Breakouts and Skincare During Cold Sores

woman face in mirror cold sores acne

It may seem like, at times, skin is nearly impossible to manage, especially when you wake up with a giant pimple on your nose or a cold sore throbbing on your lip. Here are some tips for caring for your skin during these inconvenient moments. Don’t be discouraged, and if you have acne breakouts or suffer from regular cold sores, it may be a good idea to visit a local dermatologist who can help determine the root causes and provide affordable skincare solutions.

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Understanding Melasma and The Best Treatments


When skin pigmentation occurs, this skin condition is called melasma. More commonly experienced by women than men and darker skin patients than lighter skin, it often appears on the face as darker spots and patches. Melasma is not dangerous or contagious. However, if the discolorations cause someone to lead a low-quality life because they are…

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Three Ways Everyone Can Benefit from Visiting a Dermatologist

dr sherrie straughn

As summer is only weeks away, skincare quickly becomes a priority. People look for skincare solutions to keep skin hydrated, happy, and healthy. From protection against the sun to after-shower moisturizers, most people flock to the local drugstore and purchase products that promise to bring out the best in all skin types. It is important…

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Jade Rollers – Do They Really Work?

Most of the time, people get their first jade roller as a gift. It often comes in an attractive package accompanied by oils that claim to brighten, moisturize, or provide some other ideal skin appearance result. As compact and fun as the idea is, many people wonder if these popular jade rollers are just another…

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