Tips for Acne Breakouts and Skincare During Cold Sores

It may seem like, at times, skin is nearly impossible to manage, especially when you wake up with a giant pimple on your nose or a cold sore throbbing on your lip. Here are some tips for caring for your skin during these inconvenient moments. Don’t be discouraged, and if you have acne breakouts or suffer from regular cold sores, it may be a good idea to visit a local dermatologist who can help determine the root causes and provide affordable skincare solutions. Knowing what to do with acne breakouts and measures that can be taken to minimize them is incredibly helpful for people of all ages. It is also beneficial for people to understand how to care for their skin while a cold sore is developing or fully mature.
Treating and Caring for Skin During Acne Breakouts
When a pimple appears, the pores are clogged with sebum, produced by the body to keep the hair and skin lubricated. Teens have over-active sebum due to puberty because hormones are in overdrive, and that is why many teens struggle with acne during their high school years. Acne often appears in the T-zone, which is the nose, chin, and forehead areas of the face, and that is because there are many oil-producing glands in these areas.
Measures to Prevent and Treat Breakouts
- Don’t pop pimples! As tempting as this is, popping pimples pushes infected material into the skin, making skin swollen and red and may lead to scarring. If you have an event and the pimple can’t stay, go to the dermatologist; they can treat it and help provide relief so you’re focused on the occasion, not your face.
- Wash Your Face Regularly. When washing your face, use warm, not hot, water and a mild cleanser – it can do wonders for those suffering from acne. A mild soap removes dirt and bacteria from the skin’s surface. It is not necessary to exfoliate each time because this can further aggravate the skin.
- Tip: Never go to bed with make-up on or after a workout without washing!
- Moisturize Immediately After Washing. One of the biggest mistakes people with acne make is skipping lotion after washing. Although it may seem counter-intuitive to put something oily on your face after washing, if you skip this step, the skin continues to overproduce sebum because it is dry and trying to moisturize itself. Using a light moisturizer after washing gives your skin enough moisture; it doesn’t think it needs to kick into overdrive.
- Keep Hair Clean. Dirty and oily hair gets onto the face and neck, leading to breakouts. Although most people only wash their hair every couple of days, if you suffer from acne, wash your hair more frequently to keep excess oil from getting on the face.
- Avoid Touching Your Face. Fingers are dirty; when those fingers get onto the face, it spreads the bacteria and can escalate acne breakouts. Even using your phone without cleaning it can cause acne breakouts. Be diligent about cleaning glasses, phone screens, and your hands before touching your face.
Professional licensed acne dermatologists are trained and experienced in working with clients to overcome their challenges with acne.
Treating Skin During a Cold Sore Breakout
Cold sores tend to appear on the lips and are not only unsightly but painful. Cold sores are a type of herpes and are contagious from person to person. If you suffer from cold sores, you will likely have them throughout your life, but they are treatable, and measures can be taken to minimize them.
Preventative Measures Against Cold Sore Breakouts
- Do Not Share Lip Balm, Lipstick, or Beverages. The cold sore virus is transmitted through the nose and mouth, so sharing things like drinks or anything that touches the lips may land you or someone else with the virus.
- Stay Out of The Sun. Cold sores often flare up after exposure to the sun. Always wear daily sunscreen and cover up with a hat, especially if you know you will likely have a breakout following sun exposure.
- Minimize Stress. This is easier said than done, but stress is a well-known trigger for cold sores. Stress, either emotional or physical, can trigger cold sores to appear.
Usually, cold sores go away on their own after a week or two, but if you get them often, a dermatologist can prescribe medicine to take pre-emptively and during to shorten the time the cold sores last. Some creams can alleviate the discomfort of a cold sore and speed up healing.
Tip: Do Not pick at cold sores! Infected or bleeding cold sores spread the virus and may cause another one to appear, so avoid the temptation.
If you suffer from acne or cold sores, contact Buckhead Dermatology today for an appointment. Dr. Sherrie Straughn is incredible and has worked with Atlanta clients for over 25 years. Skip the unnecessary suffering from acne and cold sores and call today!