Three Things to Know About Photoaging

age spots photoaging woman face

When skin is continually exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays or artificial sources for prolonged periods of time, photoaging will occur. Photoaging differs from the skin’s natural aging process because it happens prematurely. Premature aging has similar results as natural aging, but it can appear earlier and have a more pronounced appearance. Photoaging includes age…

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Dermatologists Hair Care and Tips for Summer

Summer is around the corner, and often this means more sun exposure to our skin and hair and more time in the water. It may also mean fewer or more hair washings in a week, but having some baseline tips on haircare can help make summer more enjoyable while maintaining your hair’s health. Since dermatologists…

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Dermatologist Advice on Treating Sunburns This Summer

Treating a sunburn should start by taking some of the heat out of the affected area. Still, managing inflammation and discomfort is essential when dealing with a painful sunburn. A key is to take measures sooner rather than later. If you know you have a sunburn, treat it as soon as possible to get the best results.

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4 Things To Know About Sunburn


Anytime you are out in the sun, you are at risk of developing a sunburn. In fact, you can even get a bad sunburn on a cloudy day. People of any skin tone can develop sunburn; however, people with fair skin are more prone to the condition. As we approach the summer months, we will…

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What Are Sun Spots?

dark spot skin

The summer is right around the corner, and that means we will be spending more and more time outdoors. But fun in the sun can lead to sunburn and other unwanted skin conditions, including sun spots. Most people who have any prolonged exposure to the sun will develop sun spots, some people as early as…

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