Ashy Skin Is Highly Treatable

Dry skin can reveal itself in many ways. Those with darker skin tones may describe their skin as gray or ashy. Although this skin condition is often more noticeable on darker skin, it can affect anyone. Ashy skin is a highly treatable skin condition that can be addressed and managed by a skincare professional. As colder weather snaps occur nationwide, the skin will tend to be drier and require extra tender loving care through the holidays and beyond. Do not leave your skin out in the cold and be proactive about keeping your skin fresh-looking.
Ashy Skin Does Not Indicate Poor Self Care
If the skin looks gray or ashy, it is also likely rough and bumpy to the touch. In severe cases, ashy skin may become so dry that it can crack, flake, peel, and in some cases, bleed. Ashy skin is not an indicator of poor self-care (a mistaken judgment many make who do not suffer from this condition). Even those diligent with their skin routines may suffer from ashy skin and require a professional dermatologist to help successfully manage the condition. It is most common on the arms and legs but can appear anywhere on the body. Cold winter weather and lack of humidity in the air is the biggest culprit. Hot water baths and showers or spending too much time in the water can also contribute. Avoiding and countering the adverse effects of the environment and eating healthy can help ease ashy skin symptoms.
Ashy skin is the result of dry skin and is indicative of insufficient hydration in the body. Although it can appear anywhere on the body, the most common concerns are related to the arms, legs, and face.
Ashy Skin Revealed
Ashy skin is highly treatable and also preventable in most cases. Over-the-counter products are available, but those unsuccessful may want to seek a professional to help diagnose and treat ashy skin. The best dermatologists can offer simple and affordable solutions for clients.
During the body’s exfoliation process, new skin cells take over for old ones as they fall away. Ashy skin appears when the dead skin cells are not removing themselves as they should. When these dead skin cells build up, they appear ashy or flaky. Because internal and external factors can trigger ashy skin, it is best to get a professional skin care specialist to look at areas of concern and have a pointed conversation to help determine the likely causes of dryness.
The body is supposed to get the moisture it needs through the water and food consumed. However, many factors affect how much moisture the body absorbs, so internal and external factors must be considered when looking for solutions to address ashy skin concerns. There may be things in the environment that can be eliminated or improved to improve the skin’s health.
The Environment
Some things in the environment are easier to control than others. We are limited when it comes to harsh temperatures and a lack of humidity in the outdoor air. However, avoiding scolding water or extended time in the water (pools and chlorine can do a number on the skin!) is something we can control and do a world of good for our skin’s overall health. If spending time in the pool is a must, shower after and follow up with a moisturizer immediately. Avoid harsh chemicals and perfumes – the goal is to hydrate your skin so it isn’t thirsty! Things like sun exposure and lack of hydration are also in our control. Using sunscreen and avoiding harsh wind and sun exposure while staying hydrated will improve skin health.
In some cases, illnesses can contribute to dry and ashy skin. Diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid issues, and cancer commonly cause dry and ashy skin areas. Additionally, the medications prescribed for those conditions often aggravate the condition.
Ashy skin is more common in adults over 40 and often continues to need attention since our body’s natural ability to moisturize depletes as we age. In most cases, a quality moisturizer and a routine can help your body’s skin stay hydrated and look healthy.
Underlying Skin Diseases
Clients with ashy skin may also be experiencing symptoms of other skin conditions like psoriasis, contact dermatitis, or eczema. In these instances, symptoms may be worse and even cause discomfort.
Those with contact dermatitis may have areas of skin that appear dry and inflamed. Eczema can cause itchy rashes in the folds of the arms and legs, and psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that may cause pink and scaly areas on the skin. A professional and experienced dermatologist in your area is qualified to identify the causes of ashy skin and how to treat the areas of concern. If you live in Atlanta and the surrounding areas, contact Buckhead Dermatology and find out how Dr. Sherrie Straughn can help you address your skin concerns. Dedicated to working with clients relentlessly to help achieve the skin’s optimum health and appearance, Dr. Straughn specializes in finding affordable skincare solutions for those suffering with ashy skin.
The skin is the body’s largest organ, so taking care of it is essential. Speaking with a professional dermatologist provides clarity and solutions people cannot find independently.