Addressing Dry and Ashy Skin Before Summer

That’s right. Summer is coming! The kids will be out of school, and the vacation planning begins. Many have every intention of having their skin “summer-ready.” Still, the days pass, summer comes and goes, and people ultimately cover up instead of showing off their natural beauty. It is not too late to address dry and ashy skin concerns, and it will be just in time for summer trips and events.
Ashy skin is, in essence, dry skin. Dry skin is a direct result of various environmental factors, including extreme weather, excessive time indoors with temperature control, and under-hydration. If you live anywhere that you need to run air conditioning or heat for some of the year (so, that’s everybody), you have experienced dry skin at some point or another. Dry skin is uncomfortable and can be a skincare concern that limits people from putting their best selves forward.
Darker Skin v Lighter Skin
Contrary to what some might think, darker skin does not necessarily have more dry skin issues than anyone with lighter skin. However, the contrast of the darker skin against these areas is why it is called “ashy.” Due to the more visible areas of dryness on darker skin tones, many struggle to find effective moisturizers that get the job done. Taking measures at home to keep the skin as hydrated as possible can help, but finding products that work the first time, and are affordable enough to become part of a regular skin routine, is what people are genuinely seeking.
Product Choice Matters
Those dealing with dry or ashy skin likely have a bathroom cabinet filled with bottles of promising moisturizers and lotions that inevitably end up full. A sure way to avoid buying the wrong products is to get professional advice from an experienced skin care specialist on how best to treat your skin. Seeking help from a dermatologist addresses skincare concerns more quickly, yielding faster results and avoiding unnecessary frustration.
Finding the right moisturizer can significantly impact one’s confidence when wearing clothes that reveal the areas of dry skin that make many self-conscious. Seeking a professional dermatologist specializing in black skin care skips the unnecessary steps between the issue and the solution. A licensed dermatologist with training in darker skin tones knows effective products and can provide a treatment plan for those seeking long-term solutions to this ongoing problem.
Treating Ashy and Dry Skin at Home
If you are hesitating to see a dermatologist, some things can help your skin condition. Avoiding extreme temperature water and minimizing time in the water can have noticeable effects. Hot water is a massive culprit in drying out the skin. Although it may feel lovely to have a steam room when you’re done in the shower, hot water is not your skin’s friend, even if you instantly moisturize. Another misconception is that what you use in the shower doesn’t matter – harsh chemicals and scented products often do more damage than good.
Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize.
Using a moisturizer after a shower can help the skin absorb the product and provide a barrier of protection. Also, applying sunscreen as the final layer of skin protection offers many benefits.
A humidifier may also be a tool you consider in your home or workplace. Any indoor controlled climate is not doing your skin any favors. Although the winter months are more typical for humidifier use, all-day air conditioning makes skin dry even in humid climates like Florida.
Lastly, stay hydrated! Most people are under-hydrated, and because our bodies are mostly water, it makes sense that consuming water throughout the day will help in the overall health of our skin.
Recovering From COVID-19
The excessive hand sanitizing and hand washing that became an obsession during the outbreak of COVID-19 continues as a habit today. I find myself sanitizing after washing my hands, even when I haven’t been in contact with anything new – can anybody relate? The chemicals in most sanitizers leave our skin crying for moisture. Keeping a hand moisturizer convenient in your car or on your desk can prevent increased dryness that may lead to cracking and discomfort. Avoid picking at dry skin because broken skin can cause bleeding and infection.
Contact a licensed and reputable dermatologist if complications arise from dry or ashy skin. There may be other remedies available by prescription or an underlying cause that can be identified by someone qualified. If persistent and considerable issues are a concern, call today. Contact Dr. Sherrie-Ann Straughn, a licensed dermatologist, if you have skincare concerns and are in the Atlanta area. Dr. Straughn has been successfully helping clients for more than 25 years.
As summer approaches, embrace your skin’s natural beauty and take steps to address your dry and ashy skincare issues. Do not pass the opportunity to treat any skincare concerns by seeking help from a trained professional.