Professional Dermatologists Detect Skin Cancer Early

One of the most critical roles of licensed and professional dermatologists is the early detection and treatment of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common cancer and affects people of all ages, races, and genders. Although this sounds scary at first, skin cancer is also highly treatable, especially when detected early. The best thing a person can do with any significant changes to their skin is make an appointment with a local dermatologist. Professional dermatologists have undergone years of education and training, and those with a good reputation in their field have been successfully helping patients tackle skin cancer and other skin concerns.
Signs to Schedule Skin Cancer Screening
Noticeable changes to existing moles or new moles that appear and have characteristics of the ABCDE rules should be examined by a professional dermatologist as soon as possible. Warning signs indicate there may be dangerous skin cancer cells that will spread if not caught early. The ABCDE rules of melanoma are:
Asymmetry—Moles should be symmetrical, but when one half does not match the other, this should be checked further.
Border—Healthy mole borders are regular and well-defined. When the edges of a mole are blurred or irregular, this may be a sign of melanoma cells.
Color—Moles should be one color; if they are multiple colors, including red, brown, and black, this can indicate irregularities.
Diameter – Normal moles should be the size of a pencil eraser or smaller. Large or irregularly shaped moles show signs of possible skin cancer.
Evolving—Moles are not all skin cancer, and one sign that a mole may have dangerous cells is if it changes color, shape, or size. Changes show instability and irregularities that need to be seen by a professional.
Although the temptation may be to wait for a mole to be checked out if it shows one of the above signs, skin cancer caught early is critical. If you have a mole that concerns you, it is better to have a professional dermatologist look at it, check the rest of your body and scalp, and give you peace of mind. Reputable dermatology offices have the tools and knowledge to assess any moles and provide treatment options for patients to have them removed.
Don’t Ignore Other Signs of Possible Skin Cancer
Beyond the ABCDE rules, there are other signs that a mole may be cancerous. If moles begin to bleed or ooze, they need to be seen by a professional dermatologist. If moles or the skin around the mile starts to itch incessantly, feel more tender, or painful, the skin is responding and needs to get checked out. Even redness and swelling of the skin around moles can indicate unhealthy skin cells, and it is better to find out earlier than later if they are cancerous. If wounds don’t seem to heal and repeatedly scab over but don’t get better or keep coming back, this can be associated with basal cell carcinoma, which is highly treatable.
Skin Cancer Screenings
Skin cancer has become more common, and people are encouraged to have annual skin cancer exams and do self-exams, similar to other preventative yearly health checks. Insurance carriers may also cover skin cancer exams, leaving no excuse not to go to the dermatologist for a skin cancer screening.
Dermatologists do thorough exams, even in areas you can’t see using a mirror. Skin cancer may appear on the skin, scalp, or nail beds, so only an experienced dermatologist can perform a thorough head-to-toe check, ensuring all concerns are identified and addressed.
It is critical to be vigilant and proactive about skin health. Early detection of skin cancer can prevent life-threatening cells from developing. New mole growth, changing mole shape, size, color, and obvious signs of skin struggling to heal should all be considered signs of seeing a licensed dermatologist for a comprehensive skin cancer screening. When it comes to your skin’s health, seeking professional care helps detect issues early. Instead of waiting for signs to get worse, make an appointment. Once a baseline skin cancer exam is done, it provides an opportunity to measure changes year to year and make identifying signs of skin cancer easier for both the patient and dermatologist. It also provides patients with peace of mind, knowing they are being proactive about their health.
If you live or work in Atlanta, Buckhead Dermatology offers hands-down the best skin cancer screening experience. If you have never had a skin cancer screening, please prioritize it in 2025. Dr. Sherrie Straughn has exceptional knowledge, experience, and bedside manners. She listens to her patients thoroughly and thoughtfully approaches skin cancer screenings and treatment. Contact her offices today to schedule a screening or if you have other skincare concerns.