How To Do Skin Cancer Self-Exams

woman in mirror self exam skin cancer

When it comes to skin cancer screenings, don’t skip it because it seems too difficult because this type of cancer is highly treatable and early detection and treatment are vital to successful removal. If you have any questions about existing moles on your skin or want to schedule a skin cancer screening, schedule an appointment today with a trusted dermatologist in your area.

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De-Mystifying Moles in May for Skin Cancer Awareness Month

skin cancer awareness month may

Everyone’s skin is as unique and different as they are. Almost all people have some moles on their body, and knowing what to look for and which ones need professional examination de-mystifies the subject of moles because any associate moles with cancer, but not all moles are cancerous. Many moles are normal, and visiting a dermatologist can confirm the type of moles on the skin and if treatment is necessary.

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Understanding Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra and Treatments

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra treatments

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra, better known as DPN, is a common skin condition that is both benign and treatable. Individuals with darker skin tones are typically affected more than those with lighter skin. DPNs, often called moles, are harmless. Those who seek treatments for DPNs are mainly seeking treatment for cosmetic reasons only. Understanding what causes DPN, its symptoms, and the treatment options available can help those with this common skin condition decide what is best for them.

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What To Expect During Skin Cancer Screenings

skin cancer screen

Dermatologists never want questions or fear of the unknown about skin cancer screenings to prevent people from visiting a local dermatologist and scheduling a skin cancer screening. Knowledge is power, and knowing what the process is can take much of the guesswork out of a skin cancer screening appointment.

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Not All Moles Are Created Equal

woman with mole

When it comes to your skin and your health, when making your annual visits, start incorporating a regular skin cancer screening. If you have a mole that concerns you, please do not wait to contact a trusted and experienced dermatologist for a consultation.

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Preventative Cancer Screenings Matter for All Types of Cancer

melanoma skin check

Since 1 in 5 Americans will have a skin cancer diagnosis at some point in their life, early detection is key to identifying and treating skin cancer. Skin cancer is treatable and curable. Between professional skin cancer screenings from a dermatologist and self-exams, skin cancers can be found early and addressed. Dermatologists who offer skin cancer screening services provide clients the highest level of care, with experience examining moles, growths, and other concerning skin abnormalities.

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