Prescription vs. Consumer Grade Skincare Products

Anytime a person faces concerns about their skin, they often skip right over seeing a professional dermatologist, do some light research, and head to the local drugstore or order the product on Amazon. There are certainly times when this works, but most people who have done this realize the results don’t always match what is promised, and the return process may never happen. This is why many have drawers of unused products that haven’t succeeded and worthless expenditures from their bank accounts. The alternative is to call a dermatologist, schedule an appointment, and wait for a diagnosis and treatment plan that may include some medical-grade treatment products requiring a prescription. Most don’t realize that reputable dermatologists have the background and experience to diagnose skin conditions the first time and target the problem with products that work. When it matters and you want results, we recommend going straight to the ones who have the knowledge and credentials to help the first time.
The Best Skincare Results
Drug stores, retail shops, department stores, and beauty chains offer dedicated skincare products to treat just about any skin condition you can think of. Although recommended products may be from dermatologists, these products are more for mild symptoms and non-problematic skin types. These products may or may not be endorsed by a licensed and reputable dermatologist – the only way to know for sure what your dermatologist would recommend is to go see them and ask!
For example, if you have wrinkles, you can find many products that promise to reduce signs of aging through continued use. What most people don’t read in fine print is that the same products must be used for several months, and signs of improvement may be less visible than the drawing on the package.
Skincare is Personal
Skin types and conditions are generalized, but skincare is personal. There is no magic product that works for everyone. In some cases, individuals want more significant results, and they seek alternative procedures and, in some cases, surgeries to get the dramatic look they want. Dermatologists have undergone extensive training in and out of school, and the best have their own practices and enjoy helping clients achieve their desired skincare results.
Consumer skincare products give individuals the sense that they can choose the products that target exactly what they want. Whether skin smoothers, translucent sunscreen, hydrating serums, skin-lightening topical cream to treat dark spots, or something else, most people don’t see the benefit of visiting a professional dermatologist over buying product after product. The products that can be purchased over the counter will never get the same results as prescription-grade skincare products. Prescription products are designed to target skin problems and conditions and are monitored. Because of the strength of prescription products, the results must be observed by the person who prescribed them to ensure the product does not cause side effects and is the best for each patient.
Science-Backed Skincare
Although some fantastic skincare products are on the market, they rarely do the same thing for everyone, and the results vary greatly. Consumer skin care does not have the scientific backing or research that prescription-grade products offer, so when people visit dermatologists for skincare concerns, they often see better and faster results. Medical and prescription-grade skincare is vetted and often published in medical journals. A truly dedicated dermatologist is up to date on skin care products and is always seeking the best for her clients.
Exceptional dermatologists with years in their field recognize their patient’s desire to get ideal skin as soon as possible. It is also their job to get to know their clients and ask questions about their environment and diet that may be causing or worsening their condition. Hereditary skin conditions and known allergies must also be considered when choosing products.
Medical grade skincare products prescribed by a reputable and licensed dermatologist ensure focused results tailored for your lifestyle and skin. Don’t let the saturated consumer product market overwhelm you when you have a skin condition you genuinely want to see addressed. Most people can find night cream if they want to hydrate their skin, but dryness can be a symptom of more serious skin conditions that won’t go away using consumer skincare products.
If you aren’t seeing the results you want from consumer products or have a skincare condition you want to have diagnosed by a professional dermatologist, contact Dr. Sherrie Straughn of Buckhead Dermatology. There is not a better professional in the industry serving Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Straughn’s reputation for care, expertise, and professionalism can’t be matched. Contact her offices today to set up an office visit. Start 2025 with the skin you want and deserve!