Don’t Let Acne Keep You Behind a Mask

Dermatologists all over the nation are bringing people out from behind the mask through skincare routines and acne treatments and unmasking beautiful skin.
As COVID-19 mask mandates are quickly declining, it is time to show your smile and start the process of building back community. Unfortunately, due to the extended mask mandates across the nation, many are experiencing acne. As we unmask, eager to show our faces again, finding a dermatologist to assess your facial skin and recommend an affordable program is essential to coming out and not staying hidden out of embarrassment.
Acne may show up as small bumps on the exterior of the skin, whiteheads, blackheads, or large lumps under the skin’s surface. Our skin did not have the proper ventilation during mask-wearing, especially over time and for extended lengths of time. Many experienced signs and symptoms of acne that have not in years!
The typical first response is to turn to the local drug store and find something over the counter to make it go away as soon as possible. There are many products out there that claim to address and get rid of acne. There is no shortage of options from drying creams to moisturizers with acne treatment to benzol peroxide. However, the risk of just pulling something off the shelf is that every product depends on your skin. Some may be for oily skin, and you have dry skin. Some may have an ingredient that you react to. Blindly buying acne products is counterproductive and can make the journey longer to healthier skin.
Find a local dermatologist who can work with your skin. There are reputable dermatologists who specialize in treating acne on all types of skin. Dr. Sherry Straughn has built an incredible reputation for treating all skin types, with unique insight into darker skin tones.
Common Causes
Unfortunately, teenage and adult acne can make people less social due to the embarrassment of how they look. The good news is that licensed and experienced dermatologists have explicitly trained in skincare and can find ways to treat skin for acne and keep skin clear.
Problem Skincare in Teens
As far as teenagers go, the most common culprit is hormones because they are required for acne to show up. Higher levels of hormones can increase the likelihood of acne. Inflammation is the reason for acne, and foods and the environment can contribute. Again, someone with knowledge about skincare and all these factors will easily help identify changes that you may be able t implement immediately to help reduce acne. Another definite reason for acne is if the biological parents had it in their teens. If they did, it is likely you will as well.
Problem Skincare in Adults
Adults can be off-put by the sudden onset of acne in adulthood. As mentioned, the covering up behind masks for the last two years has contributed by trapping dirt and exhaled air, along with added moisture and keeping it close to the face. Knowing your skin type is incredibly helpful in finding the right product the first time. A dermatologist can help identify your skin type and the best products. Some dermatologists even have products to try in the office.
Other factors that tend to trigger acne later in life are stress, deficiency of vitamins your body needs to fight inflammation, and of course, diet. Stress can take a toll on your body, not just your skin. Find ways to manage your stress, including getting enough sleep and exercise. Vitamin deficiencies can be revealed in the look of your skin. Although not all show up as acne, this is something your dermatologist will consider. It is no surprise that the foods you put in your body are another common factor in adult acne. Diets consisting of bread, white rice, potatoes, sweets, chips, ice cream, yogurt, and other high glycemic fruits can all contribute to the health and look of skin.
Skincare Treatments for Acne
The good news is that acne is treatable. Caring for your skin is essential. Be diligent about a routine to keep it clean and protected. Do your research, find a local dermatologist with solid testimonials. It is undeniably to your advantage to use social media. Find a dermatologist who is known for listening to patients, gathering information, making manageable recommendations, and being available throughout the process. If you are reside or work in the Atlanta area, visit Buckhead Dermatology is a professional office with 25 years of experience treating acne in both teens and adults of all skin colors. Don’t wait and call today so you can be out from behind your mask and start getting your life back!