The Importance of High Quality Dermatology Care

different color women faces dermatology

When it comes to seeking out a specialist for specific health concerns, many individuals begin with their primary care doctor for help, guidance, and, in many cases, a referral. General health issues can be addressed at the family medical center, but when it comes to an ongoing concern, it is likely necessary to seek a…

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Is Skin Health Related to Mental Health?

Young girl psoriasis acne eczema

Mental health is not always accompanied by physical signs like diabetes and high blood pressure. However, severe skin conditions may not be evident because those suffering have mastered covering up or avoiding situations altogether. These efforts can take an emotional toll. The social impact of severe skin conditions can be debilitating and lead to depression…

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What Dermatology Concerns Do Men Have?

man looking at mole on face

Although the best dermatology offices are trained and experienced in treating both men and women for skin care concerns, many think dermatology visits are exclusively for women. This is mainly because men are not typically as open about their skincare concerns due to embarrassment. Some men believe visiting a dermatologist makes them seem less masculine.…

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