How to Get Rid of Hairline Acne

Most people think of acne occurring on the face or back, but did you know that many people suffer from hairline acne? Pimples along the hairline are extremely common. While there are a number of reasons why they may pop up, hairline pimples often come from a build-up of oils, both from your skin and your haircare products.
If you are one of the many people who suffer from pimples along the hairline, do not be discouraged. There are many effective treatments that you can do at home and under the care of a board-certified dermatologist.
Common Causes of Hairline Acne
Very often, the products we use on our hair, skin and even in our laundry can be the cause of skin issues. In fact, shampoos and conditioners have been found to cause breakouts on the face, neck, back, hairline and scalp. Many of these products contain irritants that may work wonders for your hair, but have the potential to clog your pores. Other hair products such as hairsprays, gels and oils can contribute to an increase in the skin’s oil production, resulting in breakouts.
Men and women of color are prone to a type of acne known as pomade acne. It generally occurs along the hairline and temples and is caused by long-term use of oils, waxes and other emollients found in hair moisturizing products.
Makeup products can be another culprit when it comes to hairline acne. Thick foundations and concealers left on all day, or even while sleeping, can clog pores and result in comedones.
Other people experience acne along the hairline and scalp because of headwear such as helmets, hats or headscarves. Sweat and dirt can build up under the headwear, especially when worn tightly around the head, worn for extended periods of time, or while exercising. The trapped dirt and sweat can cause breakouts or other skin irritations.
Preventing Hairline Acne
Understanding the potential causes of your hairline acne is the first step to effective treatment and prevention. If you are unsure why you are experiencing acne, contact a dermatologist. Your doctor will get to the root cause of your acne and help you develop an appropriate treatment plan to get you the results you want. In addition to working with a dermatologist, there are some things you can do at home to treat your breakouts.
- Tilt your head back toward the showerhead when rinsing your shampoo and conditioner. This will allow the soap suds, and potential pore-clogging ingredients, to flow down your back instead of down your face.
- After rinsing your hair, use a gentle face wash or body wash to remove any hair products from the skin, specifically on your back, chest and neck.
- Consider changing to natural or more gentle soaps, shampoos and conditioners.
- Avoid contacting your face or hair that touches your face with any moisturizing or styling products.
- Avoid touching, popping or picking your pimples.
- Stop wearing headwear that could trap dirt and sweat. If you must wear headwear, be diligent about cleaning any surface that touches your face.
Treating Hairline Acne
Hairline acne can be frustrating, but take comfort in knowing that there are effective treatments available. When dealing with persistent acne, it is always recommended to consult with a board-certified dermatologist in your area. Your dermatologist can suggest the best products and ingredients to prevent and treat your specific case of acne.
Generally, hairline acne should be treated like acne found anywhere else on your body. Your dermatologist may recommend that you cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser, apply an exfoliant to unclog pores and use a benzoyl peroxide solution for clearing pimples and reducing redness. However, everyone’s skin is different, so consult with your doctor before beginning a skin care regimen to treat acne.
Acne that occurs on the scalp may require different treatment. Solutions that include benzoyl peroxide are effective at treating pimples, but they may bleach your hair if applied to acne on the scalp. Other medications may be difficult to apply to scalp pimples, making them less effective.
Hairline Acne – Atlanta Dermatologist
If you suffer from acne along your hairline, on your scalp or anywhere else on your body, you want a solution. You probably have spent hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on products that promise to clear your skin, only to be left frustrated and disappointed. When you have persistent acne, you should consult with a dermatologist who has experience diagnosing, treating and preventing acne. Under their care, you can find the right treatment plan to get you the results that you want.
Do you live in the Atlanta area and suffer from acne?
Learn more about acne services at Buckhead Dermatology in Atlanta and College Park.