Three Makeup Tips from Dermatologists and Skincare Specialists

Dermatologists are highly trained, licensed, and the most qualified advice givers regarding skincare. As people wear makeup for glam or to conceal skincare blemishes, there are three things that everyone should know about makeup and how to best care for their skin while using facial products.
There is no need to list the best makeup products because they are so different for everyone. There are a plethora of blogs, vlogs, and social media influencers who can convince you what they use is the best. Skin type, skin color, and sensitivity are essential when choosing makeup products. After researching advice from licensed dermatology professionals, the fact is that makeup clogs pores, and three common suggestions are consistent across the board.
FACT: Makeup Clogs Pores
Although most people dream of achieving fresh, moist, and healthy-looking skin without a drop of makeup, the reality is most people wear some makeup, whether tinted lotion, concealer, mascara, or bronzer. There is nothing wrong with using makeup, but some protocols should be followed to keep skin healthy in the process. Since makeup clogs pores, careless attempts may require more makeup to cover up what is happening because of the makeup!
When using makeup to cover blemishes or flaws, it is vital to have the best products for your skin. There is the trial-and-error approach to finding makeup but knowing your skin type can make the process much smoother and faster! Professional dermatologists are trained to provide this information. Some may not realize that skin concerns that initially cause people to wear makeup end up being highly treatable. Someone with rosacea or acne may use a foundation or concealer to cover up problem spots but using the wrong makeup and leaving makeup on without cleaning and re-applying keeps pores clogged and causes breakouts.
Three Makeup Tips
Tip #1: Give Your Skin a Break
Skin is the body’s largest organ, and as we age, the skin requires more attention and care. Using makeup is standard for most, but it is critical not to leave makeup and dirt on your skin longer than necessary. Since makeup does clog pores, leaving it on overnight or for an extended time after working out or getting sweaty can make the journey to healthy-looking skin much longer than necessary. So, give your skin a break. Do it as soon as you can. Use a cotton ball and toner to remove makeup and dirt from your face. Even a washcloth used gently with warm water can get much dirt and makeup off the face. Follow up quickly with some moisturizer, so the skin does not overcompensate and create oils due to the skin’s dryness. When using waterproof products, find a gentle remover that gets the job done on the first swipe. Think about exposing your skin to fresh air and allowing it time to rejuvenate without makeup.
Tip #2: Makeup Brushes Need Regular Cleaning
Makeup brushes carry bacteria and dead skin gathered during application. All applicators should be cleaned or replaced frequently. One way to tell if your brush needs cleaning is as easy as how it looks! If it looks dirty, it is past needing to be cleaned. In some hair-based applicators, the brush’s texture changes, which is a good indicator.
Makeup build-up isn’t always a sign it needs to be cleaned, but frequent cleaning should be part of a skincare regimen. Foam sponges should just be tossed and replaced regularly. If you do not clean your brushes, they begin to re-deposit dirt and bacteria to the skin and result in breakouts.
Tip #3: Be Gentle with Skin During Application and Removal of Makeup
If you do not use brushes and use your fingers, dermatologists recommend using the ring finger for the most gentle application. Do not tug at or rub your face. Do not use fingers to apply makeup before washing them. Imagine your skin as a clean canvas – skip the dirt and get to the product. Being gentle is critical to keeping skin taunt for longer, especially under the eyes.
Dermatologist Suggestions for Regular Makeup Wearers
Women and men wear makeup to cover blemishes, rashes, and skin imperfections. Beyond matching high-quality makeup with your skin tone, which is an incredible challenge on its own, ensuring the products don’t agitate your skin adds complexity. Stick with these three suggestions when wearing and removing makeup to treat your skin with the care it deserves.
Since there are no shortages of blogs, vlogs, or social media plugs, getting professional advice from an exceptional dermatologist is the only sure way to get the best products for your skin. Always stop if you have any reactions to any over-the-counter products (and this includes expensive makeup at department stores). Most stores will take products back with a receipt.
Knowing Your Skin Type Saves Time and Money
Knowing your skin type can take much guessing out of moisturizers, sunscreens, and makeup. Depending on the product’s ingredients, the skin may react in an undesirable way. If you want to find your skin type, visit a local and reputable dermatologist who can accurately assess your skin and get you on the path to natural beauty! Find a dermatology practice with solid testimonials from clients, which should mention the office’s ability to find affordable solutions to your skincare needs.