Teens Head Back to School, and Acne Must Go! How to Treat Acne in Teens and Young Adults

If you have school-aged children, the beginning of another school year brings mixed emotions. The daily routine of heading off to school brings some comfort but may also make life more hectic during the transition. Regardless, teens heading back to school can feel incredibly stressed, even more so if they struggle with teen acne. Teen acne is common and likely inflamed by the combination of hormones, diet, and not finding a manageable cleansing routine. However, even those teens who eat a healthy diet and wash and moisturize their face religiously aren’t free from acne – hormones and genetics always factor in, and those you can’t control! Since controlling acne entirely is impossible, here are some ways we can help our teens manage their acne this school year.
Supporting Teens Through Best Skincare Choices
We understand that teens can be dramatically affected by acne skin. Inflamed and pustule-filled acne can negatively affect a teen’s confidence and self-esteem. In a time when mental health is so vital, some small efforts and encouragement can make a difference for the teen in your life.
Defining Acne and Its Causes
Understanding acne is critical to providing support to your teen in treating it. Acne occurs when the follicles of hair are clogged due to oil, dirt, and dead skin cells on the skin. The blockage creates spots on the skin’s surface, like blackheads, pustules, cysts, whiteheads, and papules. Hormones, medications, foods and beverages, and stress contribute to acne. Skincare specialists are now finding that acne can be bacteria-based, result from inflammation, or be caused by high sebum production designed to lubricate the hair and skin.
Let’s camp on two things here. First, stress can cause acne or worsen it, and teens today are stressed about everything! So, teens are already at a disadvantage because if stress causes acne, and acne causes them more stress, they need to break free sooner rather than later. Two, overactive sebum production is designed to keep skin and hair healthy, but in excess, is, of course, going to lead to oil and dirt getting on the face and skin, making acne worse!
Seeking A Professional Dermatologist to Help Your Teen with Acne
Although there is no shortage of acne-related products in your local drug store, these over-the-counter products only work for mild cases, and most often not because most people do not know their skin type. Teens often think their skin is oily when it is dry, and that is why it is over-producing oil, worsening acne. Using the wrong products can make acne much worse and delay getting relief and clear skin. It is best to visit a licensed dermatologist who is experienced in working with teen acne. Having a tailored treatment plan to address your specific skin type and acne concerns means better results, faster.
Treatments Provided by Dermatologists
There are two types of treatments that teens can get through a local dermatologist’s office. There are aesthetic treatments and medical treatments. Depending on the severity of the teen acne, treatment plans will vary, and that is why it is critical to find a dermatologist that will listen to your teen’s concerns and provide affordable and effective treatments.
Aesthetic Acne Treatments for Teens
Acne that persists will benefit from aesthetic treatments. Deep exfoliations will clear blocked pores and may include treatments like facials, peels, and laser therapies. Keep in mind that some peels take multiple treatments, and teens will be required to care for their skin throughout to get the best results. Asking an athlete not to get their face wet for a day or two after treatment is not reasonable, so be sure to share these details with your dermatologist so they can find the best treatment for your teen!
Medical Treatments for Teen Acne
Only a licensed dermatologist will be able to accurately assess your teen’s acne and suggest the best approach that fits your budget. There are medical acne treatments available, including retinoid-based, antibiotics, and salicylic acid. There are other treatments for acne that do not respond to other treatments, but any treatment plan for your teen should come under the guidance of a licensed and trusted dermatologist.
Teens have enough on their plates these days. Let’s partner together to find solutions to treat their acne this school year and make it their best year yet!
If you live in Atlanta, contact Buckhead Dermatology today for an appointment. Dr. Sherrie Straughn is the best in the industry. She is a caring professional with years of experience helping teens achieve clearer skin and build their confidence as they embark on this year’s academic and social journey.