Do You Have Eczema?


One of the more common skin conditions we see in our dermatology practice is eczema. There are many different types of eczema. So many in fact, that it often goes misdiagnosed or ignored by patients who think it’s something else. In general, eczema is inflammation of the skin. It can occur in a variety of places on the body and can look very different depending on the type and cause. 

In this article, we are going to explore some of the more common types of eczema. If you think you might be experiencing eczema, contact Dr. Straughn at Buckhead Dermatology today. Our dermatologist has extensive experiencing treating eczema patients. 

In your first appointment, our board-certified dermatologist will examine your skin to identify the cause of the condition and provide you with an accurate diagnosis. From there, you will work together to develop the most effective treatment, which may include medications or environmental or lifestyle changes. Dr. Straughn will work with you to obtain the results that you want and relieve you from discomfort from your eczema condition. 

Atopic Dermatitis 

Atopic dermatitis can happen anywhere on the skin and presents as itchy, red and flaky skin. It is most commonly found on the elbows and knees. This type of eczema tends to be genetic, and is exacerbated by certain allergens or asthma. The condition can worsen and improve periodically. 

People with atopic dermatitis must take care not to itch the rash because that can increase the risk of infection. This can be quite challenging since atopic dermatitis results in very itchy patches of skin. There are certain triggers that can aggravate the condition, including dry skin, certain materials, and harsh ingredients in skin products or laundry detergents. 

Contact Dermatitis 

Another very common form of eczema, contact dermatitis, results when a person comes in contact with an irritant. Poison ivy and oak can frequently cause contact dermatitis. Other irritants can include skin care products, soaps, perfumes and essential oils. Contact dermatitis typically appears as red and itchy skin. It can also be accompanied by blisters. 

Dyshidrotic Eczema 

A more specific type of eczema known as dyshidrotic eczema appears on the hands and the feet. This condition is characterized by extremely itchy skin. It will generally look like small red dots on the fingers and palms of the hands as well as toes and soles of the feet. Due to its location, this can be extremely uncomfortable. It can also result in higher rates of infection due to the constant use of our hands and feet. This type of eczema can be brought on by allergies or irritants.

Seborrheic Dermatitis 

Commonly referred to as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis typically occurs on the scalp but can also occur on the eyebrows and around the nose, mouth and ears. This type of eczema presents as dry, itchy and flaky skin. While it can be itchy, one of the most unwanted side effects are the skin flakes that are visible on your scalp, face or clothing. There are plenty of dandruff shampoos on the market as well as prescription products that can be provided by your dermatologist. 

Nummular Eczema 

This type of eczema is generally a result of dry skin. It can also occur in a spot where there is a small injury to the skin, such as a bug bite or cut. Nummular eczema looks like a red dry patch that resembles the shape of a coin. It can appear anywhere, but typically can be found on the legs, arms and trunk. Those with nummular eczema should be sure to use products for sensitive skin and avoid harsh soaps or moisturizers. 

Stasis Dermatitis 

For those who suffer from poor circulation in the legs, they may develop a form of eczema called stasis dermatitis. It appears as red, itchy and scaly skin and can result in skin infections. Compression socks and frequent moisturizing can help prevent the condition. Your doctor may also require you to elevate your legs to improve circulation. If you believe you have stasis dermatitis, you should work with your dermatologist who can help you prevent infection. 

Atlanta Eczema Dermatologist 

If you or someone you love is suffering with itchy, scaly skin, it could be eczema. The first step is to consult with a dermatologist to get an accurate diagnosis and get started on a treatment plan

Do you live in the Atlanta or College Park area? Call the offices of Buckhead Dermatology today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Straughn. She will work with you to get to the bottom of your skin condition and get you on an effective course of treatment.