Dispelling Three Eczema Myths

Eczema symptoms can vary from mild and almost invisible to extreme symptoms which cause pain and discomfort and can lead to infection. The first truth of eczema is that many people seek professional help to address their eczema symptoms, and it is not solely cosmetic. Eczema, in some cases, can be devastating and not only have physical effects but emotional ones. Some who suffer from eczema may isolate due to their insecurity about how the condition makes them look and feel. Understanding eczema better and how it affects people differently is essential. Dispelling some well-adopted misconceptions is vital to bringing some light to this skin condition that affects more than 31 million Americans. Dermatologists across the nation and globe see patients seeking relief from eczema’s symptoms.
Myth #1: Eczema Only Affects Children
This myth is likely based on the fact that children between 10 and 20 percent will experience some skincare conditions due to eczema. Many children outgrow eczema as they get older, but not in all cases. Sometimes, diet, excessive temperatures, or sweating may worsen the symptoms. Many families try to find ways at home to address eczema concerns. However, it is best to have a licensed dermatologist look at the skin and offer effective and affordable treatments to ease any discomfort. What is challenging with younger eczema patients is acting on the urge to itch and scratch an area affected by eczema. This can create more itching and lead to infection if the skin is opened in the process.
However, the truth of eczema is that it can affect people of all ages, genders, and skin types. Light-skinned and darker-skinned patients experience varying degrees of eczema.
Myth #2: Eczema Affects People the Same
The myth is that if you have eczema, it is the same as everyone else’s – this could not be further from the truth. Some experience an itchy knee or elbow, and some have visible signs on their face, hands, and anywhere on the body Eczema does not discriminate! It is crucial to address this myth because many people use over-the-counter products to treat eczema symptoms, but this is often ineffective. Most products are so generalized and mild to be sold at a local drug store, and they can’t make a dent in the areas of concern.
Anyone who has tried to address eczema on their own and has not had success will often reach out to a local dermatologist who can help diagnose the skin, accurately determine skin type and offer solutions for each client. Eczema is individual, and each person’s skin and battle with eczema is different.
Myth #3: Eczema is Contagious
Regardless of how severe your symptoms are, you can’t give eczema to another person! Eczema is not contagious. However, the way some respond to the visible signs often makes those suffering from eczema feel as if they are contagious. This is where the emotional and mental issues come into play with some people who suffer from more severe cases of eczema. It doesn’t matter if you have the signs on the arm, face, or back because the continual desire to scratch may be enough to make others uncomfortable. If everyone knew how affordable skincare treatments were, more people might engage in finding out how. Seeing a dermatologist is not only for the rich and elite but everyone. Every single person deserves to live as comfortably as possible in their own skin. So, if you are suffering from symptoms that may be from eczema or you want a professional opinion, contact an excellent dermatology office and make an appointment.
Shedding Light on the Myths of Eczema
Bringing light to eczema is an excellent first step for the world of dermatology and anyone experiencing symptoms caused by eczema. Some may not even know they have eczema but will feel relieved once diagnosed and on a treatment plan for healing. Find a reputable and experienced dermatologist with success stories working with other eczema patients. The great news is that eczema is highly treatable! Finding the correct products is essential. Being advised by someone highly trained in the skincare field offers insight into possible things in diet and environment that may be triggers for the condition. In one case, a toddler had a mild irritation on the back of the knees and elbow creases for months. Only after trying over-the-counter products that failed to help and having a professional look at the irritation was it determined a mild ut allergy existed. Unknowingly, this eczema was being daily irritated by innocent peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Because there was never an alarming reaction to the nuts, the parents were unaware of the cause. Once PB&J’s were off the menu, the symptoms went away. There are hundreds of cases like these, but the best advice is to seek a professional dermatologist who can diagnose the skin, identify the skin type, and suggest treatments that work.