Understanding More About Skin Pigmentation Conditions: Melasma and Vitiligo

medical vitiligo treatments atlanta

Changes in skin pigmentation occur because the body is over or under-producing melanin. Melanin is what gives your eyes, skin, and hair their color. A higher presence of melanin makes skin darker, whereas less can lighten the skin. Melanin is also responsible for absorbing the sun’s harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays and protecting the skin from damage. Two of the most common skin disorders associated with melanin production are Vitiligo and Melasma.

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Understanding Dark Spots and Treatments

older white woman age spots

One of the most common questions asked of dermatologists by adults over the age of 50 is, how did I get these dark spots? With a popular runner-up of How do I get rid of them? The reason this question is so popular is because everyone gets them. It is whether you embrace the wisdom spots or want to find a way to diminish them that makes a difference. Although it may be tempting to look on social media and buy the latest trending product for fading, in all honesty, it is best to visit and consult with a professional and licensed dermatologist for treatment options.

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The Benefits of Aloe Vera in Skincare Routines

aloe vera

Most people think of aloe vera as the solution for over-sunned skin and the relief it provides. Aloe vera is an excellent after-sun care ingredient, but aloe vera goes well beyond this one use and provides many benefits when used in skincare. Integrating allow vera into your skincare routine may yield results you never imagined.…

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Three Things to Know About Photoaging

age spots photoaging woman face

When skin is continually exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays or artificial sources for prolonged periods of time, photoaging will occur. Photoaging differs from the skin’s natural aging process because it happens prematurely. Premature aging has similar results as natural aging, but it can appear earlier and have a more pronounced appearance. Photoaging includes age…

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Four of the Most Commons Skincare Concerns for Aging Adults

The key is to embrace beauty at each stage of life, and even though aging skin has adults scrambling to turn back the clock, aging can be quite beautiful. It is critical to care for our skin as we age and get it the attention it needs and deserves. Professional and licensed dermatologists are a solid starting point to begin any routine to address aging skincare concerns.

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