Post-Halloween Makeup Treats for Your Skin

woman removing Halloween makeup for skin health

Halloween is only two weeks away, and even though Halloween makeup can be harsh on the skin, taking measures to help the skin recover at the end of the big night can help minimize the adverse effects. Whether planning on full makeup, fake tattoos, wearing masks, false eyelashes, or wearing costumes of skin-irritating materials you would typically avoid, spending a little time on your post-Halloween skincare routine will go a long way. Don’t ghost these easy steps, and it will be as if you never tortured your skin for the night!

Avoid Scary Mornings and Don’t Fall Asleep with Makeup

At the end of a long night, whether trick or treating the neighborhood or dancing the night away at a monster bash, the top tip from anyone in the skincare industry is DO NOT fall asleep with your Halloween makeup on! It may be tempting to plop down on the pillow, but a quick wash-off will make a world of difference in your skin’s recovery. Usually, the Halloween makeup people use is inexpensive but also heavy, not allowing the skin to breathe, so skipping the wash-off leaves the skin gasping for air. Halloween makeup is known to clog pores and cause breakouts, so don’t risk it.

Plan and leave some cotton balls and water-based makeup remover by your bed table so you won’t skip this easy step and wake up to a scary sight!

Drink Plenty of Water

The need to stay hydrated can’t be overstated. Our skin requires water to rehydrate on a daily basis. So, add in some heavy makeup, sweating, smearing, and possibly some cocktails, and your skin is in a deficit when it comes to the hydration it needs to stay healthy. A water bottle can accompany every activity, and being mindful about staying hydrated will be worth it the following day. Water is medicine for the skin!

If your makeup remover does not have moisturizing ingredients, or you go for the full-face wash at the end of Halloween, adding a moisturizer keeps the skin happy.

Home Safe? Get Some Sleep

Beauty sleep is not just a saying; it is a genuine correlation between getting rest and how we look and feel. Our skin repairs during rest, and it is critical to get enough rest regularly. If Halloween goes late, you may get fewer hours than you need, so allow yourself some extra rest leading up to and following the big spooky night.

If you have eye treatments or night masks, this may be the time to pull them out to allow your body the best rest possible.

Skincare Tips for the Days After Halloween

Treating your skin with a wash and moisturizer and staying hydrated the night of Halloween will significantly affect how you look and feel the next day. However, some things people can do in the few days following will continue to give the skin and body the boosts they need to return to normal.

Skip the Makeup Mask

Following Halloween, your skin won’t be upset if you give it a day or two to breathe and rejuvenate. Allowing your skin to breathe without daily makeup can be excellent for skin recovering from Halloween makeup. Clogged pores can be opened, and any unexpected irritations have time to heal. If possible, skip the makeup part of your routine and let the skin restore itself.

If your skin has concerning irritations that do not clear up, make an appointment with a reputable dermatologist in your area. Skin irritations that do not respond to these simple steps may become infected.

Skip the Sweets and Get Some Veggies

We know it is true of small children, and most adults also indulge on Halloween in sweets as their treats. If your body is not used to sweets or appetizer foods, as are common on Halloween, your body may not know what to do, and your skin will directly reflect that. So, in the days following Halloween, try to stick to a cleaner diet of veggies, fruits, and proteins. Incorporating foods with antioxidants will help your skin and body recover quickly.

Two more indulgent holidays are pretty close, so prepare your skin by eating healthily between now and then.

Instead of just tricks this Halloween, take care of your skin with some treats. Staying hydrated through the night, washing your face before bedtime, and getting a solid night’s rest will do wonders for your skin. In the days following, clean up your diet and eat healthy to give the body some time to recover from sweets, alcoholic beverages, or heavy foods consumed. Skip the makeup if you can!

Want more advice on post-Halloween skincare tips or have other skincare concerns? Contact the best dermatologist in the Atlanta area. Dr. Sherrie Straughn of Buckhead Dermatology would love to help!