Is Skin Health Related to Stress?

stress woman at work computer

Does stress affect skin health? All arrows point to yes. Stress and skincare are found to be closely related. Like stress and its effect on the body’s overall health, sometimes the word stress itself can create more stress! As we approach one of the most joyful but also stressful times of the year, keep an…

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Do Heroic Beauty and Skincare Products Exist?

Woman with Hero Looking Beauty Mask

As the beauty industry continues expanding, people seek something more fantastic. People want hero beauty and skincare products that improve skin’s appearance more meaningfully and deeply. Primers, creams, and serums flew off the shelves this year, hoping for a brighter future. Coined cosmeceuticals, new active ingredient products, give some people an improved skin appearance. However,…

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Dermatologists Help Hair Loss Clients

Black woman hair loss dermatologist near me

There are many possible culprits contributing to hair loss, and more people accept it without knowing there are genuine solutions. Initially, people may buy products off the shelf that claim to restore lost or thinning hair or take supplements that claim the same. Others choose to hide a problem with hats, wigs, or combovers. A licensed dermatologist is the key to effectively mitigating hair loss because of the ability to find out the cause, address concerns and provide solutions to achieve the desired regrowth and hair health.

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Can Low Vitamin D Cause Skincare Issues?

woman face in sun

Skincare is something everyone thinks about at one time or another. Babies can commonly experience eczema, teens struggle with acne, and aging adults struggle with common skin issues such as dryness and wrinkles – these are just the most common skincare issues at different stages of life! Vitamin D tests are low in most adults, and more than 35% of Americans suffer from low vitamin D. Scientists suggest, and most dermatologists agree that vitamin deficiencies may be the culprit for some skincare concerns.

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