Can Age Increase Chances of Skin Cancer?

aging skin cancer screenings near me

The human race is living longer than ever before, thanks to modern medicine and technology. One of the effects of living longer is that people spend more years in the sun and more years of exposure to environmental elements that take a toll on our skin and health. Prolonged years exposed to UV rays make those who are older more susceptible to skin cancer. It is never too early to go for a skin cancer screening, and making this a regular part of your annual checkups is a wise choice.

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Professional Dermatologists Detect Skin Cancer Early

skin cancer screening atlanta dermatologist

It is critical to be vigilant and proactive about skin health. Early detection of skin cancer can prevent life-threatening cells from developing. New mole growth, changing mole shape, size, color, and obvious signs of skin struggling to heal should all be considered signs of seeing a licensed dermatologist for a comprehensive skin cancer screening.

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Urgent Call to Action for Skin Cancer Prevention

skin cancer screening atlanta dermatologist

When it comes to skin cancer prevention, completely avoiding the sun is unreasonable. Instead, taking measures to protect the skin and having employers guide workers to protect themselves, paired with regular skin cancer screenings, can lead to a life free from the dangers of skin cancer. Contact your local dermatologist today for an in-office skin cancer screening and get the peace of mind you deserve.

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Does Sunscreen Deprive the Body of Vitamin D?

dermatologists suggest sunscreen to prevent skin cancer

The short answer is no. The body does need healthy levels of vitamin D for good reasons. Although some claim that skin protection with sunscreen limits the body’s ability to develop vitamin D naturally, that myth should be dispelled. The body requires vitamin D because: It helps with bone growth, and deficiency in vitamin D…

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How To Do Skin Cancer Self-Exams

woman in mirror self exam skin cancer

When it comes to skin cancer screenings, don’t skip it because it seems too difficult because this type of cancer is highly treatable and early detection and treatment are vital to successful removal. If you have any questions about existing moles on your skin or want to schedule a skin cancer screening, schedule an appointment today with a trusted dermatologist in your area.

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De-Mystifying Moles in May for Skin Cancer Awareness Month

skin cancer awareness month may

Everyone’s skin is as unique and different as they are. Almost all people have some moles on their body, and knowing what to look for and which ones need professional examination de-mystifies the subject of moles because any associate moles with cancer, but not all moles are cancerous. Many moles are normal, and visiting a dermatologist can confirm the type of moles on the skin and if treatment is necessary.

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