Beware! Avoid Makeup Skin Reactions this Halloween

It is that time of year, and people are flocking to Goodwill, costume shops, and trendy vintage clothing stores in hopes of finding the perfect costume. The makeup and accessories can make or break a costume’s overall look, but many people have sensitive skin that leaves them looking scarier the next day. Everyone should consider some critical things when choosing makeup and accessories this Halloween. Plan ahead and avoid unwanted skin reactions this Halloween!
The treats, decorations, and costumes get children and adults excited about October. As many children and adults suffer from skin conditions, being intentional about what to put on your body and face this Halloween can avoid unwanted irritations. Exceptional dermatologists suggest several tips for making the best choices for your family this Halloween. Much of it involves being aware of reactions early and mindful of what you are putting on your skin.
Skin Irritations Often Start with An Itch
Children are so good at being honest, so listen up if they begin complaining about irritation when putting on a costume or makeup. Anything that causes redness, dryness, or blistering should be removed immediately. Washing the irritated area is essential to remove whatever is causing the irritation. Costumes, makeup, and accessories for Halloween are not typically high quality and are designed to get through one night. Cheap products or chemicals may cause reactions.
Removing the irritating agent and washing the area are often enough to provide relief for the irritation. In other instances, a cream may be required to reduce redness and itching. Contact a local dermatologist if these efforts do not work, and it may be necessary to have a prescribed topical cream in extreme cases.
Do a Spot Check this Halloween
Most people disregard the warnings on packages to do a test spot before applying something all over the body and face. Although most people ignore this and consider it a waste of time on children, please do a spot check this Halloween. There are dyes, perfumes, and preservatives that can cause irritations easily. Some people find that specific colors within the same makeup kit can cause a reaction. The number of chemicals in these makeup kits is countless; as mentioned before, the makeup is not super high quality. If you have higher-quality makeup at home that can be used instead, the likelihood of irritation is significantly lower. Adding some water to eye shadow or blush can often create the same darker colors in the kits. Some of the most popular children’s costumes require full coverage of the face and arms (tigers, puppies, etc.) and will probably irritate any child. Consider creative ways to achieve a similar look if you are concerned about skin reactions.
Taking an extra couple of minutes ahead of time (preferably a day ahead if possible) to do a test spot with makeup on the arm can save hours of whining and discomfort.
False Lashes and Contacts
False eyelashes and colored mascaras can also be irritating to the eye area. Anything that is attached by adhesive can cause a reaction and using it close to the precious eyes that will eventually be rubbed from too much sugar and a later bedtime can be painful. It is always wise to use appropriate caution when selecting products to be one or near the eyes. Colored and spooky contacts are popular this season but use caution and expect to wear the costume without them if they irritate your eyes. Additionally, latex and other masks can cause excessive sweating, resulting in breakouts and hives. If your child is wearing a full mask, keep checking in with them and make sure they stay hydrated! If you have trick-or-treaters, most children have their facemasks off by the night’s end, and that is ok! Adults, the same applies to you – no costume is worth suffering for!
Choose Skin-Friendly Material
When choosing a costume, or making one for your child this Halloween, choose a cotton fabric. Those wool and polyester materials are irritable to most people’s skin. Loose-fitting and breathable materials are best when it comes to choosing an outfit for Halloween. If your child has extremely sensitive skin, eczema, or other skin conditions, be intentional about your choices on the front end to avoid disappointment, tears, and irritation.
Accessories May Contain Nickel
Since costume jewelry and accessories are manufactured cheaply, they often contain metals like nickel. One of the most highly reactive metals that people are exposed to is nickel, so be aware when utilizing these items as part of the costume. It may be as simple as using a different belt or skipping the dramatic clip-on earrings. Be flexible! There are many options out there, including creative use of things at home, that can supplement a costume sufficiently.
Be safe and make smart choices in advance to avoid unnecessary skin irritations! Most importantly, have fun celebrating Halloween with your kids this year!