3 Skincare Mistakes to Avoid

If you want healthy skin, an effective and consistent skincare routine is key. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and sun protection are the major elements of any good regimen.
But, what happens if you have a negative reaction to your skincare? What if you aren’t getting the results you hoped for?
Every day in our Atlanta dermatology office, we help our patients understand their skin so they can make better choices about the products they use. Very often, patients are using the wrong products for their skin types or not being consistent enough to see results.
Our board certified dermatologist at Buckhead Dermatology in Atlanta recommends avoiding the following three skincare mistakes. By considering these tips and working with a professional, you can improve the appearance and texture of your skin and address conditions such as dry skin, hyperpigmentation, acne and scarring.
Overdoing it on skincare products
With the prevalence of social media and the ease of online shopping, it is hard for consumers to know which products will actually work for them. Savvy marketers know exactly which buttons to push when it comes to selling their skincare products. Instagram influencers convince you that this magical product solved all of their skin issues, and it will do the same for you.
Patients often come into the office with bags of products that they use on a regular basis. When it comes to skincare, more is not always better. In fact, too many products could overwhelm your skin and cause irritation and other skin issues.
There are several problems with layering on too many skincare products throughout the day. For one, your skin will not be able to absorb each product to a degree high enough to obtain the benefits. Sometimes, ingredients in different products can cause a reaction and should not be used at the same time. Lastly, by introducing too many products and changing your routine regularly, your skin will not have time to adjust.
If you are experiencing skin issues, it is best to work with a dermatologist to identify the best products for you. Keeping it simple is generally most effective. Choosing cleansers, moisturizers and sunscreens that are right for your skin will help you care for your skin and improve its appearance.
Failing to be consistent
Another common issue that we see in our Atlanta dermatology office is consistency. Patients may apply a topical cream to address acne or try serums to reduce the signs of aging. After one or two weeks, they experience dryness or fail to see results altogether. Instead of continuing on with the products to allow them time to work, they toss them and start with something new.
It is important to give your products a chance to work. Sometimes it can take months to see results.
Another aspect of being consistent is developing good habits. Washing your face every other day or applying SPF on Mondays isn’t enough to cleanse and protect your skin. You must be consistent in your routine by cleansing and applying moisturizer in the morning and night and applying SPF every day. If you are using other topical treatments at the direction of your dermatologist, it is critical that you use them as directed for the length of time recommended by your doctor.
Not understanding your skin type
What works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Everyone’s skin is different. A product that has great results for friends or family may not work well for you because of your unique skin type.
Skin can be dry, oily, combination or sensitive. You may have certain conditions such as rosacea or dry skin that could impact the effectiveness of your products.
Anytime you are beginning a skincare routine, it is important that you consider your skin type. There are plenty of resources online to help you identify your skin type. We also have several articles about skin type that can help you make this decision. Once you understand your skin better, you can choose the right products for you.
We understand this is not always easy, as your skin can seem to change from season to season. Work with your dermatologist to gain a better understanding of your skin and get recommendations on safe and effective products for you.