When You Should See a Dermatologist Instead of Treating Yourself

While it is widely recognized that it’s important to keep your skin healthy, not many people give their skin the full scope of attention it deserves. When a skin issue arises, rather than scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist, they hop on Google and try to treat the condition themselves. For minor skin conditions, this might not be a problem. However, for more serious or persistent concerns, visiting a board-certified dermatologist for expert treatment and personalized care is worth it, and here’s why.
Why is healthy skin so important?
First, you need to fully understand the importance of skin. Skin is the largest organ of your body, and it does an incredibly important job. Your skin protects you from bacteria, sun exposure and other potential environmental harm. It can tell you if something is wrong underneath the surface.
Skin also does the important task of regulating your body’s temperature. As you heat up in the sun, the capillaries under your skin expand to let the warm blood cool. What you may be more familiar with is the skin’s ability to make vitamin D when exposed to sun. While too much sun may be damaging, this process is valuable to bones and other body parts that rely on Vitamin D.
The skin is such a beautiful, complex and vital organ. Interestingly, most people are not as aware of their skin health as they should be. Here are a few key reasons why seeking the care of a dermatologist can help you achieve overall health in addition to healthy skin.
Your freckle or mole may be something more concerning.
Most people don’t examine every inch of their skin on a daily basis, but every once in a while may notice a new freckle after a few days in the sun. That new freckle or mole, however, can turn into something more sinister if you don’t know how to spot a concerning spot.
If you see a mole or spot that looks questionable, visiting a dermatologist sooner rather than later may help you catch something potentially cancerous early on. Early detection can give your treatment a better chance for success. In fact, it is key to treating skin cancer and can be potentially lifesaving. Treatment is more effective with early diagnosis and may allow you to utilize a non-surgical approach.
If you avoid the dermatologist for too long, that seemingly harmless mole may grow beneath the epidermal surface and lead to a more serious prognosis, a possible a need for surgery or further cancer treatment.
Not all rashes are created equal.
Rashes that persist and do not respond to over-the-counter treatment, should be seen by a board-certified dermatologist. A Google search can bring up thousands of results, making it difficult to diagnose your specific rash. Plus, different types of rashes can look similar which leads to improper self-treatment. A dermatologist will be able to accurately diagnose the condition and recommend the correct course of treatment based on your specific case and the symptoms presented.
Dermatologists can tailor a plan for your specific skin.
If your concern is acne prevention, dark spot correction or healing ashy skin, a dermatologist can create a skincare plan that can be far more effective than your typical DIY approach. In today’s world, consumers have to sift through an endless clutter of beauty products and treatments, offering unsubstantiated claims fueled by paid advertisements and influencer partnerships. Many of these products don’t actually work, and some may even be doing harm to your skin.
Instead, visit a dermatologist who understands your specific skin type and condition and can recommend a regimen that will benefit you. With sound guidance and experience, your dermatologist can provide services like facials and peels that are safe, researched and provide the results you desire.
Dermatologists treat more than just skin.
Dermatologists focus primarily on skin conditions, but their expertise extends to hair and nails as well. First, let’s talk about the scalp. Most people shed up to 100 hairs every day, but bald patches or thinning hair could mean that there is a deeper problem. Hair loss can be related to post-pregnancy hormone changes, stress issues, or genetics. Dermatologists can help pinpoint the cause and determine a course of action. They may sample blood or tissue and recommend medications or procedures to restore growth, which is far more than a box of Rogaine or biotin can provide.
The demand for dermatology has grown in the U.S., which is promising because it shows that Americans are paying more attention to their skin. But, while DIY culture continues to run rampant and new products hit the shelves every day, it’s important to understand when a doctor’s input should be considered.
If you are experiencing a skin condition or suspicious growth, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist right away to get a skincare plan tailored for your needs. The experienced dermatologist Dr. Sherrie Straughn at Buckhead Dermatology has been successfully and caringly treating Atlanta and College Park patients for over 25 years. Call the office today to schedule your appointment.