Atlanta Dermatology Articles

melanoma skin check

Preventative Cancer Screenings Matter for All Types of Cancer

By Buckhead Dermatology | September 28, 2022

Since 1 in 5 Americans will have a skin cancer diagnosis at some point in their life, early detection is key to identifying and treating skin cancer. Skin cancer is treatable and curable. Between professional skin cancer screenings from a dermatologist and self-exams, skin cancers can be found early and addressed. Dermatologists who offer skin cancer screening services provide clients the highest level of care, with experience examining moles, growths, and other concerning skin abnormalities.

Four of the Most Commons Skincare Concerns for Aging Adults

By Buckhead Dermatology | September 21, 2022

The key is to embrace beauty at each stage of life, and even though aging skin has adults scrambling to turn back the clock, aging can be quite beautiful. It is critical to care for our skin as we age and get it the attention it needs and deserves. Professional and licensed dermatologists are a solid starting point to begin any routine to address aging skincare concerns.

black man shaving razor

Three Things to Know About Pesky Razor Bumps

By Buckhead Dermatology | September 18, 2022

Women and men both suffer from irritation after shaving. Unfortunately, some people experience extreme reactions that can appear as acne or a rash that is itchy and sometimes painful. Razor bumps are incredibly common, and those with coarse and curly hair typically experience this condition more often. Dermatologists find it is a skin condition that…


What Dermatologists Want Patients Suffering from Shingles to Know

By Buckhead Dermatology | September 8, 2022

Dermatologists want patients suffering from shingles to know a few things about this very common skin disease. Shingles is a common skin disease that often includes a rash that blisters and causes significant discomfort. Shingles affect those who have had chickenpox because of the virus that caused it. After having chickenpox, the virus moves from…

The Post-Shower Skin Itch

By Buckhead Dermatology | August 30, 2022

Taking multiple showers daily is not uncommon if you live in the humidity part of the year. Showers may just be a rinse-off and not involve a regular hair routine or even soap, but many people living in warmer climates find themselves under the shower head halfway through the day to get a clean feeling…

What’s Wrong with Dermatology Advice on the Internet?

By Buckhead Dermatology | August 23, 2022

Dermatology advice on the internet is expansive, with varying opinions around preventative skincare—anything preventive means making choices now that impact the skin’s appearance later. Lifestyle choices, including foods you eat, affect the appearance of the skin, but so do the environment and stress. However, remember that there is no regulation of who can advise on…

Omega 3

Can Diet Affect Skin Health and Appearance?

By Buckhead Dermatology | August 15, 2022

Diet and dermatology go hand in hand. When it comes to our skin, what we put in our bodies is a direct reflection of our skin’s appearance. However, there are times when diet modifications cannot resolve skin conditions. Often, it is best to take skin concerns to a licensed, professional dermatologist for advice.

dermatology Treatment

The Difference Between Cosmetic and Medical Dermatology

By Buckhead Dermatology | August 10, 2022

After achieving an impressive degree in medicine, licensed dermatologists can choose sub-specialization fields in which they want to continue training and achieve certifications to practice in that area. Although both focus on the skin, hair, and nails, medical and cosmetic dermatology are pretty different. It is essential to know which type of dermatologist you seek.…

makeup brushes

Three Makeup Tips from Dermatologists and Skincare Specialists

By Buckhead Dermatology | August 4, 2022

Dermatologists are highly trained, licensed, and the most qualified advice givers regarding skincare. As people wear makeup for glam or to conceal skincare blemishes, there are three things that everyone should know about makeup and how to best care for their skin while using facial products. There is no need to list the best makeup…

Dermatologist Advice on Treating Sunburns This Summer

By Buckhead Dermatology | July 27, 2022

Treating a sunburn should start by taking some of the heat out of the affected area. Still, managing inflammation and discomfort is essential when dealing with a painful sunburn. A key is to take measures sooner rather than later. If you know you have a sunburn, treat it as soon as possible to get the best results.