Atlanta Dermatology Articles

healthy skin

How to Identify Your Skin Type

By Buckhead Dermatology | December 21, 2021

Do you know your skin type? If not, read on because knowing your skin type is critical for understanding how to care for your skin. Many patients come in to see their dermatologist because of a specific skin concern. Others simply have a general frustration that their skin care products don’t seem to be working…

summer skin

Why Antioxidants Are Good For Your Skin       

By Buckhead Dermatology | December 14, 2021

You’ve probably heard about antioxidants, but how much do you really know about what they are and how they work? Research indicates that antioxidants play a critical role in improving the appearance of your skin and your overall health. Antioxidants can be obtained primarily through foods, specifically fruits and vegetables.  Let’s talk more about antioxidants,…

man washing face

Should You Try Facial Steaming?

By Buckhead Dermatology | December 7, 2021

For many of us, the hustle and bustle of daily life prevents us from doing some of the self-care rituals we’d love to do. Luxurious baths and regular massages sound great, but they don’t always fit our schedules and our budgets. There are many things that we can do at home that will give us…

man with clear skin

When to See a Dermatologist About Your Acne

By Buckhead Dermatology | November 30, 2021

There is virtually no one who will go through life without developing a pimple from time to time. Most people will experience acne at some point during their development. Many experience the condition while going through puberty as teenagers. However, an increasing number of adults experience acne. Acne is common among most age groups.  Because…

mole dematologist buckhead

How Certain Skin Conditions Can Affect Darker Skin Tones

By Buckhead Dermatology | November 25, 2021

At Buckhead Dermatology, we understand that no two patients are alike. Every patient that steps into the office will have their own unique set of health and lifestyle circumstances that can impact the care and treatment of their skin.  Patients with darker skin tones will experience certain conditions, such as acne or melasma, differently than…

eczema itchiness on arm

3 Things to Know About Eczema

By Buckhead Dermatology | November 18, 2021

Eczema is a common skin condition, but that does not make dealing with the symptoms any easier. According to the National Eczema Association, over 10% of people in the United States have some form of eczema. The condition can also affect people of all skin tones. Although eczema can be frustrating, the good news is…

acne on chin

How to Heal Your Chin Acne

By Buckhead Dermatology | November 11, 2021

For those who experience acne breakouts, you know that you can develop a pimple anywhere on your face. Acne that develops on your chin can be particularly frustrating. Pimples on your chin, around your mouth or on your jawline can draw the attention of others while you are talking and contribute to feelings of self-consciousness. …

healthy skin habits

7 Habits for Healthy Skin

By Buckhead Dermatology | November 4, 2021

It doesn’t matter if you want to get in shape, be more productive at work or achieve your best skin: healthy habits matter. When it comes to happy and healthy skin, developing positive health and skin care habits can help you achieve the results that you desire. If you are looking to improve your skin,…


What is Dandruff and How Can You Treat It

By Buckhead Dermatology | October 27, 2021

Dandruff is an extremely common condition, but that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing or frustrating. It is characterized by small, white flakes of skin that can be visible on your scalp, hair, face or shoulders. If you have dark hair or commonly wear dark clothing, the flakes of skin can be even more apparent.…

performing at home skin check

Why Regular Skin Checks are Important

By Buckhead Dermatology | October 20, 2021

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer across the globe. The various types of skin cancer are often less talked about than other kinds of cancers, but skin cancer is not something to be ignored. Caring for your skin and performing regular skin checks can help you…