Atlanta Dermatology Articles

Should Men and Women’s Skincare be Identical?

By Buckhead Dermatology | April 20, 2022

The wide variety of skincare products available on the market makes a clear distinction between men’s and women’s needs for facial and body care. However, are there significant differences between products outside of powerful marketing and different scents? Dermatologists have found enough differences worth noting in the various options for men and women. The Difference…

sensitive skin

Addressing Dry and Ashy Skin Before Summer

By Buckhead Dermatology | April 15, 2022

That’s right. Summer is coming! The kids will be out of school, and the vacation planning begins. Many have every intention of having their skin “summer-ready.” Still, the days pass, summer comes and goes, and people ultimately cover up instead of showing off their natural beauty. It is not too late to address dry and…

What Is Skincare Layering?

By Buckhead Dermatology | April 6, 2022

Although used for decades in Asia, skin layering is reasonably new to Americans. Skincare layering was introduced in 1968 when Clinique was the first on the main beauty scene as they presented a practical three-step line of skincare products. Americans embraced the routine and welcomed a multi-step process to achieve beautiful skin. The steps increased…

Is Skinimalism Still Trending?

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 28, 2022

One of the most popular sources for trending and creative ideas, Pinterest named skinimalism a hot trend in 2021. In the highly referenced Pinterest Predicts Report, upcoming trends are predicted for the upcoming year. This comprehensive list doesn’t leave anything out and includes travel, well-being, home, parenting, finances, and beauty. Skinimalism was defined as allowing…

Post-Partum Skincare

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 22, 2022

Having a baby is one of the most beautiful things to be experienced and carrying a tiny human in your belly for around nine months is no joke with the toll it can take on your body! In post-partum, often, women experience stretch marks, hair loss, stretched skin, and even spots on the face, appropriately…


Skincare Includes Treating Eczema

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 16, 2022

You would think with more than 31 million Americans having eczema, there would be more talk about it. Unfortunately, most Americans learn to live with the condition. Since it is not contagious, people typically cover it up instead of seeking treatment. More than 17 million people live with extreme cases. What is incredible is there…

Don’t Let Acne Keep You Behind a Mask

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 9, 2022

Dermatologists all over the nation are bringing people out from behind the mask through skincare routines and acne treatments and unmasking beautiful skin. As COVID-19 mask mandates are quickly declining, it is time to show your smile and start the process of building back community. Unfortunately, due to the extended mask mandates across the nation,…

dermatologists suggest sunscreen to prevent skin cancer

Four Sunscreen Myths About Skincare

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 4, 2022

Sunscreen is taking center stage as we move from spring to summer. Using sunscreen can be incredibly effective in protecting from ultraviolet rays and is a must-have for every single person going outdoors or sitting near a window near the sun. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, one in five Americans will develop…

black skin care influencers

Black Skincare Influencers

By Buckhead Dermatology | February 22, 2022

Although skin care is meant to be inclusive, it has historically been lacking in representing women and men of color. In 2020, Sephora set new standards of diversity not previously seen, including size, gender, but most notably racial recognition, with more than a third of the top skincare influencers being Black. Comprised of both men…

laser and peel alternatives

Best Options to Address Skin Texture & Even Skin Tone

By Buckhead Dermatology | February 18, 2022

Knowledge is power. Simply knowing the benefits of addressing skin concerns and that many can be successfully managed and maintained through a reputable dermatology office specializing in black skincare is empowering. Anti-aging procedures continue to grow in popularity as men and women seek treatments from professionals that clients can trust to address and eliminate imperfections…