Atlanta Dermatology Articles

skin writing dermatographia

Dermatographia: Facts About a Common Skin Condition

By Buckhead Dermatology | April 10, 2024

Dermatographia is also called skin writing and affects 5% of the general population. The raised marks can become more irritated with continued friction and pressure. Although the exact cause is unknown, there are several schools of thought, and it can easily be diagnosed and treated by a licensed dermatologist.

ai dermatology computer

Is There Room for Artificial Intelligence in Dermatology?

By Buckhead Dermatology | April 3, 2024

When it comes to the fast growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and the way it impacts all lives, it is undeniable that it has the potential to offer benefits in the medical field. Artificial intelligence is currently being used in many practice areas of medicine, including dermatology. AI is making waves worldwide, becoming a regular tool for educators, doctors, researchers, developers, and more. So, why is dermatology not an area of medicine that could or could not use AI in a valuable and helpful way? The answer is not easy.

skin cancer screening atlanta dermatologist

The When and What of Skin Cancer Screenings

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 27, 2024

When it comes to skin cancer screenings, most people do not know where to start until they see something on their skin that concerns them. Although skin cancer, especially in older adults, is common, it is good to know when to start getting skin cancer screenings and what to expect. Due to the commonality of skin cancer in the United States, licensed dermatologists are able to successfully perform checks and provide treatment options.

girls with piercings

How Body Piercings Affect Skincare

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 20, 2024

When it comes to getting skin pierced, it is wise to consult with a professional dermatologist because of the potential conflict between current beauty products being used and the location of a piercing. Make sure to check with a professional dermatologist if you are planning to get a piercing while on acne or other skincare-prescribed medication. Many people choose piercings to enhance their appearance, and when done by a professional, they are safe and will heal with proper care.

black woman face mask

Five Skincare Tips from Popular Beauty Bloggers

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 13, 2024

Although five steps in a skincare routine may seem overwhelming, especially if no skincare routine currently exists, taking some essential steps from this list will benefit your skin. Staying ahead of skincare concerns is best, especially as we age, but starting something is better than doing nothing. The goal of a skincare routine is to clean, restore, and protect.

cold water

Cold Water Benefits for Skin

By Buckhead Dermatology | March 6, 2024

Dermatologists tell clients that using cold water when washing one’s face, the coolness can aid in balancing the skin’s natural pH and also shrink pores and reduce puffiness. There are many products on the market that use cooling elements to improve skin’s appearance. Using mild cleansers with cold water removes dirt and buildup while clarifying pores. Cool water can also regulate the oil levels in the skin and help with conditions like rosacea and dryness.

older white woman age spots

Understanding Dark Spots and Treatments

By Buckhead Dermatology | February 28, 2024

One of the most common questions asked of dermatologists by adults over the age of 50 is, how did I get these dark spots? With a popular runner-up of How do I get rid of them? The reason this question is so popular is because everyone gets them. It is whether you embrace the wisdom spots or want to find a way to diminish them that makes a difference. Although it may be tempting to look on social media and buy the latest trending product for fading, in all honesty, it is best to visit and consult with a professional and licensed dermatologist for treatment options.

suns dangerous rays UV woman hands up against sun

Beauty and Beastly UV Rays

By Buckhead Dermatology | February 21, 2024

As winter ends and spring is upon us, if you skipped sunscreen through the colder and cloudier days of winter, there is no time like the present to take a proactive approach to caring for your skin this spring and summer. It does not have to be sunny or warm for the sun’s beastly UV rays to cause skin damage. Cloudy days are when visible rays are blocked, but the harmful rays come through whether or not you can see or feel them.

women spring flowers

Embracing Spring and Managing Skin Conditions

By Buckhead Dermatology | February 14, 2024

The warmer weather this spring does bring some elements that may cause irritations, such as dermatitis, hay fever, and heat rash. Mostly treatable with over-the-counter topical creams, these skin conditions are manageable, and staying ahead of them shortens the length of the symptoms.

sleep tired woman

Beauty Sleep Leads to Beautiful Skin

By Buckhead Dermatology | February 6, 2024

The value of sleep is grossly underrated. However, sleep is when our bodies’ organs heal and our skin cells regenerate. Our skin fights off pollution, germs, weather, and UV rays all day, so it needs time to regenerate so it can do it all over again tomorrow. A well-rested outer layer can better protect you from the elements in the upcoming days. Skin’s ability to retain moisture and heal increases with more sleep.