Atlanta Dermatology Articles
4 Benefits of Exercise for Your Skin
When you think of skin health, what comes to mind? Water, moisturizer, SPF, nutritious eating habits? While all of these things certainly contribute to healthy and happy skin, there is an additional factor that often goes unnoticed. Exercise is a key element to your overall health and wellness, and that includes your skin. With the…
Tips for Fading Dark Spots in Skin of Color
Do you have dark spots that just don’t seem to go away? Do they not seem to respond to any of the at-home treatments that you’ve tried? Are you tired of spending money on products that don’t work? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are joining a large group of…
How Smoking Can Damage Your Skin
While it is common knowledge that smoking is not good for you, still many people engage in this activity every day. According to the CDC, smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease, disability and death in the United States, resulting in about 480,000 deaths every year. Some of the most known side effects of…
What You Should Know About Diabetes and Your Skin
Whether you have just been diagnosed or you have been dealing with it for years, diabetes is a disease that can dramatically change your day-to-day life. One way that the disease can impact your body is in your skin. There are a number of changes to your skin that are caused by diabetes. These changes…
10 Tips for Easing Eczema Symptoms in Children
According to the National Eczema Association, about 9.6 million children in the United States under the age of 18 have some form of eczema. While it is very common, researchers still cannot pinpoint an exact cause of the condition. If your child suffers from any of the different types of eczema, you are probably wondering…
What are Parabens?
It is no secret that some skincare products are better than others. Ingredients vary widely, and they are not all created equal. With the huge number of options in the skincare industry, it can be confusing to know which products are safe and which can be harmful. Not everyone has the knowledge to know which…
5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Skin
If you are one to set resolutions for the new year, you most likely have a few related to health and wellness. Here at Buckhead Dermatology, we hope you consider making skincare a part of your list. The right skincare is important all year long, but we understand that it can be easy to get…
Answering Your Top COVID-19 Skin Questions
As the nation enters another month of dealing with the effects of COVID-19, our office fields many questions from patients who have concerns about coronavirus-related skin issues. Two of the most common questions we hear include: How do I treat acne from wearing a mask? How safe is it to use this much hand sanitizer? …
Top Treatments for Acne Prone Skin
Everyone develops a pimple at some point in their lives. It is one of the most common skin conditions seen in people of any color, age or gender. For people with mild acne, they may pass on treatment and instead allow it to run its course. For others who are experiencing progressive, bothersome acne, treatment…
Melasma 101: What You Need to Know
Any semblance of a summer tan is likely gone by now as we hit the winter season. And while your bronzed skin may have faded, you might still notice dark patches on your face. Chances are you have developed a skin condition known as melasma. While annoying, it is a common disorder that can be…